
How can spider mites be controlled?


    The spider mite is a widespread pest. It is a tiny arthropod that is barely visible to the naked eye.

The spider mite is considered a serious pest of cotton and many other agricultural crops. It mainly settles on the underside of leaves, sucking sap from the plant and causing damage. Its name comes from the fine gray web-like threads it uses to wrap the leaves. The harm caused by spider mites depends on when they infest the cotton and how long they remain on the plants. The earlier they appear, the greater the damage they cause. Spider mites emerge from hibernation very early, when the average daily temperature exceeds 7.3°C.

    Spider mites can destroy more than half of the cotton crop. In typical years, they reduce total cotton yields by 6–10%, but in some years, they can destroy up to 50–60%. So, what measures can be taken to combat them?

To prevent the spread of spider mites, it is essential to implement the following preventive measures:

  • Mark infested areas with red flags. After treatment and clearing the pests, replace the red flags with white ones.
  • Trees at the edges of fields, especially mulberry trees, should be cleaned of diseased, dried, and unwanted branches to eliminate pests.
  • Weeds at field borders, ravines, and irrigation ditches should be removed, and treatment with boiled lime solution is recommended.

