
Better Cotton Initiative standartlari asosida paxta yetishtirishning ahamiyati

    PSUYAITI A scientific-practical seminar on the topic "Studying the technology of growing local and foreign cotton varieties based on BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) standards" was organized at the Oqqo‘rg‘on Scientific Experimental Station. The seminar was attended by more than 30 heads of farms operating in the Oqqo‘rg‘on region.

Members of the BCI Association held lively discussions with the seminar participants about the market position and demand for BCI-certified cotton, as well as the advantages of this practice and its positive impact on the ecological environment.

As part of the seminar agenda, the director of the Oqqo‘rg‘on Scientific Experimental Station, Dr. G. Abduvohidov, delivered a speech explaining the scientific foundations of cultivating foreign cotton varieties using the Chinese double-row technology (76×10 cm) and the expected economic outcomes.

Additionally, in collaboration with members of the Tashkent Regional Cotton Council working group and specialists from the Tashkent Regional Agroservices Center, meetings were held with agricultural machinery owners to provide guidance and recommendations on adjusting the equipment according to the new scheme.
