
Land leveling activities

     In spring, the planting activities for all types of crops coincide, leading to a tight schedule for completing tasks. In some farms, there is also a lack of machinery and equipment, which causes delays in preparing the beds and performing irrigation. As a result, the cotton planting period is delayed.

     The "pushta" (soil cultivation for planting) is carried out in the fall (on soils with medium and heavy mechanical composition). On the areas where the pushta is performed, the fertility of the soil remains in optimal condition for a long time. In this technology, the temperature of the upper soil layer is 1.0-3.0°C higher than in areas where cotton is planted on flat land. The seeds germinate earlier, contributing to an increase in cotton yields. For this process, non-saline, low to moderately saline lands that are well-leached are chosen. The autumn shudgor (soil loosening) is performed to a depth of 30-40 cm, and the surface is then leveled using mechanical tools to ensure proper seed germination. Then, using GX-4 type pushta cultivators, furrows with row spacings of 60 cm or 90 cm and heights of 25-30 cm are created on the prepared land. Therefore, in areas with non-saline soil and low precipitation, such as Nishon, Koson, Mirishkor, Karshi, Muborak, and Kasbi districts in Kashkadarya region, all districts in Surkhandarya and Tashkent regions, and in Samarkand, Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana regions, considering that cotton will be planted on prepared land, the pushta is carried out in the fall.
