
Minister of Agriculture Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov met with leaders of cotton-textile clusters

     Minister of Agriculture Ibrohim Abdurahmonov held a meeting with the leaders of cotton-textile clusters. The meeting discussed the work methods of the cotton-textile clusters, the results achieved in agriculture and production sectors, and the rational approach being applied to ensure the material interest of the teams. During the meeting, the Minister shared his thoughts on the important tasks facing business representatives today, the benefits and opportunities being provided by the head of state to business representatives, and the promising projects being implemented to ensure the material interest of our citizens. He also emphasized that every entrepreneur today must use all their strength and resources to improve the well-being of the people.

     Moreover, it was noted that cotton-textile clusters need to establish cooperation with scientific research institutes, particularly with teams of scientists, to not only improve results but also to increase quality indicators.

     During the conversation, the Minister discussed the introduction of the new 76 scheme for cotton cultivation starting in 2025. This scheme allows for planting 240,000 seedlings per hectare, which can significantly increase yield. It was also noted that when planning planting and care, the unique characteristics of each plot of land should be taken into account, and the processes should be based on scientific principles, standardized, and experience-based.

     At the end of the meeting, the cluster leaders presented their opinions and proposals on the industry's current problems and issues. In response, the Minister emphasized that cooperation between farmers and clusters should yield results. Currently, clusters with the necessary equipment can offer services to farmers on mutually beneficial terms, and it is important to resolve all issues on-site, carrying out organizational work with coordination and consistency. Undoubtedly, cotton farming is one of the leading industries in our country. The established cluster system not only contributes to increased productivity but also creates the opportunity to process all the fiber domestically.
