Results achieved in cotton cultivation during 2024
Scientists from the sector have recommended 10 new medium-staple cotton varieties for State variety trials.
In 2024, based on the presentation from the Agricultural Crops Variety Testing Center, seeds were delivered for testing at 33 testing sites.
Starting this year, a methodology has been introduced for field trials of planting cotton and other agricultural crops on saline lands without salt leaching. These field trials will be applied in the future to land areas with varying degrees of salinity (47%) across the country. In particular, in Khorezm region, cotton varieties "Baraka", "SP-41", "C-8290", "C-5707", "Bukhoro-14", "Jondor qudrati", "C-7306", "CPC-38", "Ravnaq 2" were planted on 116 hectares, and comparative analyses were carried out on the changes occurring in their development stages.
For the first time, high-yielding cotton varieties and hybrids, resistant to diseases and pests, were brought in as trial materials, and were planted on 96,000 hectares according to established standards and protective procedures. These foreign cotton varieties showed resistance to herbicides used against weeds and pests like the cotton bollworm. Another important point is that the agrotechnology of these varieties allowed for achieving high economic efficiency.
In the field of cotton breeding, seed production, and agronomy, 16 initial seed production farms were established at research institutes and their divisions, where scientists organized primary seed production of 58 medium-staple cotton varieties and 6 fine-staple cotton varieties.