
Achieved results in cotton farming

       In the last 5 years, 16 initial seed farms have been established under the system of the National Center for Cotton Breeding, Seed Production, and Agro-technologies of Cotton Cultivation, along with its affiliated research centers. Primary seed production has been organized for 58 medium fiber and 6 fine fiber cotton varieties. Patents were obtained for 31 varieties, and certificates were received for 10 varieties. 20 new cotton varieties have been submitted for state variety testing.

      In 2024, based on the presentation of the Center for Agricultural Crop Variety Testing, 33 varieties of cotton seeds were delivered to test plots for trial. The cotton variety "Mangit-1," created at the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Karakalpakstan, was officially zoned for the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2024.

The variety "O‘zPITI-203" was recognized as promising for the Andijan region,
the variety "SP-41" for the Khorezm region,
the variety "S-8296" for the Fergana region,
the variety "S-7306" for the Kashkadarya region,
the variety "Sharofat" for the Navoi region.

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