
Some agricultural machinery will be  exempted from duty and disposal fee


     A presidential decree has been adopted on "Measures to further increase the level of mechanization in agriculture." According to the decree, starting from January 1, 2025, subsidies, tax and customs exemptions, as well as financial assistance for the supply of agricultural machinery, will only apply to equipment sold through local manufacturers and dealers, in accordance with existing legislation.

Until January 1, 2027, the following types of machinery will be exempt from customs duties and utilization fees:

  • Cotton harvesting combines, self-propelled forage harvesters and horticultural combines, seedling planting and opening equipment that meet the established requirements;

  • New cotton harvesting combines, self-propelled forage harvesters and horticultural combines, seedling planting and opening equipment imported by local manufacturers and dealers;

  • Starting from March 1, 2025, registration and use of new tractors and combines purchased with the use of exemptions, including both domestically produced and imported, will be prohibited if they do not have GPS devices installed;

  • Starting from January 1, 2028, the use of seeders that do not provide precise seed placement for cotton and wheat crops will be prohibited.
