Monitoring work is carried out in Navoi region
Chairman of the Cotton Board under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Minister of Agriculture I. According to the task given by Abdurahmonov, to study the necessary agrotechnical measures in the current phase of the Acorn growing period on cotton planted areas with an acceptable and scientifically based basis directly out of place, to immediately take appropriate organizational measures to eliminate the shortcomings identified in this, cultivator working bodies in each Acorn area on the basis of standard requirements, , monitoring has been carried out to study whether cultivation is carried out without damaging the Acorn branches and crop elements.
Saidgani Nabiyev, head of the working group of the Cotton Board of Navoi region, head of the laboratory of the Institute of genetics and Experimental Biology of plants of the Academy of Sciences, and members of the working group monitored the current state of cotton agrotechnical activities and Acreage, which are carried out on 8 and 13 hectares of the “Arabkhona” farm in Navbahor district, 13.0 hectares of the “Safo Sevdi” Farm, 4 and
Some of the shortcomings allowed by experts in the field of these farms in the implementation of agrotechnical measures such as watering the acorn in the juice method, chilling, pest control, qualitative cultivation of Acorn fields ripe after water and weeding, and the necessary recommendations were given to the heads of farms to eliminate these shortcomings.