Introduction of a new system for increasing cotton productivity, establishment of science and innovation-based seed production, variety selection, tillage, fertilizing, and irrigation in cotton cultivation
Use of efficient agrotechnology to save cotton crop
Optimum placement of varieties, increase productivity by at least 30%
32 person
N# | Name of districts | Attached research projects | Number of scientific organizations | Number of academic staff | |
number | allocated funds(mln.soum) | ||||
1 | Elliqal'a | 7 | 4862,4 | 5 | 63 |
2 | Ulug'nor | 7 | 6191,7 | 6 | 63 |
3 | Vobkent | 6 | 4701,3 | 5 | 54 |
4 | Sharof Rashidov | 8 | 5072,4 | 7 | 72 |
5 | Qarshi | 7 | 9511,8 | 7 | 63 |
6 | Navbahor | 8 | 7863,4 | 7 | 72 |
7 | Pop | 10 | 8294,6 | 6 | 90 |
8 | Narpay | 8 | 4743,9 | 8 | 72 |
9 | Jarqo'rg'on | 7 | 3572,3 | 6 | 63 |
10 | Sayxunobod | 9 | 8991,10 | 7 | 81 |
11 | Quyichirchiq | 7 | 4670,8 | 4 | 63 |
12 | Beshariq | 8 | 5363,6 | 6 | 72 |
13 | Qo'shko'pir | 8 | 7206,4 | 5 | 72 |
14 | Umumiy | 67 | 81048,7 | 26 | 603 |
Information about the region:Tumanda Аndijon-35 navi 5 yildan beri ekilib kelishini inobatga olib, navni almashtirish, urugʼni almashtirish va yerni almashtirish orqali Аndijon-35 navining potentsial hosildorligiga erishish imkoniyatini oshiradi.Paxta ekilgan maydonlarda mineral oʼgʼitlarni qoʼllashda belgilangan meʼyorlarga rioya qilinmagan (25,0 mlrd.soʼmlik ortiqcha mineral oʼgʼitlar qoʼllanilgan).
Information about the region:Beshariq tumanida “Lux Yan Tex” MChJ tomonidan 2022 yil paxta hosili uchun jami 7 995 gektar yer maydoniga gʼoʼza ekilgan, 30,0 ming tonna paxta xomashyosini yetishtirish rejalashtirilgan
Information about the region:Tumanda jami 28 ta fermer xoʼjaligi hamda 1 ta paxtachilik klasteri tomonidan jami 1195,2 gektar (“WBM QOSHKOPIR CLASTER” MChJ 704 gektar) paxta maydonlarida tomchilatib sugʼorish texnologiyalari joriy qilinib
Information about the region:Tumanda jami 12 ta fermer xoʼjaligi hamda 1 ta paxtachilik klasteri tomonidan jami 427 gektar «Vodiy sanoat fahri» MChJ 300 gektar) paxta maydonlarida tomchilatib sugʼorish texnologiyalari joriy qilingan.
Information about the region:Jarqoʼrgʼon tumanida «Termiz Jayhun Cluster» MChJ tomonidan 2022 yil paxta hosili uchun jami 6 665 gektar yer maydoniga gʼoʼza ekilgan, 26,2 ming tonna paxta xomashyosini yetishtirish rejalashtirilgan
Information about the region:Qarshi tumanda 3 ta klaster tomonidan 15 ming gektar dala maydonidan 2300 gektar maydonda urugʼlik paxta maydoni va 12 700 gektar maydonda texnik homashyo paxta yetishtirilmoqda. Bevosita klaster tomonidan 456 gektarda va 652 ta fermer xoʼjaliklari tomonidan fyuchers shartnomasi asosida 14 544 ga maydonda paxta ekilgan. Kutilayotgan hosil 57,0 ming tonnani tashkil etadi
Information about the region:.
Information about the region:.
The Cotton Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. Instructions on planting cotton varieties suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the regions and propagating seeds, fertilizing, watering, and using water-saving technologies will give. Also, private seed production clusters will be established.
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