
In the surkhandarya region, a field seminar was organized together with Chinese specialists


       The main goal is to dramatically increase productivity by applying modern effective agrotechnologies in cotton production and introducing free market mechanisms into the seed system, expanding the use of scientific and innovative approaches in the cultivation of cotton raw materials.  On the night, a field seminar was organized by the center of Agro-Services of Surkhandarya region. In it, Chinese specialists visited the acorns planted with the variety “XinLuzhong-78” in the Sariosiya district and held a field seminar. This workshop was attended by representatives of farms, agroclasters and industries and received answers to questions of their interest.

        For information, a total of 100 tons of seeds from “XinLuzhong-52”and “XinLuzhong-78” gooseberry varieties were brought to Surkhandarya region from the people's Republic of China for the 2024 cotton crop in accordance with the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan PQ-391 of December 15, 2023 “on the development of the seed system in cotton production and additional measures to increase cotton yields”.
