
Cotton Irrigation by "Sharbat" Method

      When cotton is irrigated using the "sharbat" method, moisture is retained longer, and the cotton does not dry out as quickly. Local manure provides nutrients for the cotton and acts as mulch, reducing water evaporation and improving water infiltration into the soil. For irrigation by the sharbat method, ditches are filled with water 5-6 days before irrigation takes place.

In the sharbat method of irrigation, it is essential to prevent the runoff of manure with wastewater from the field.

Factors that increase irrigation efficiency:

  • alternating irrigation of cotton through ditches,
  • alternating irrigation in soils with irrigation systems,
  • on the first irrigation, leave the ditch, and on the second irrigation, water from ditches where water has not flowed,
  • after each irrigation, the tractor must perform two tasks at the same time: loosening the row where water has passed and preparing the ditch for the next irrigation.

Irrigating cotton through ditches helps save 15% of seasonal water consumption compared to the traditional method.
