Cultivation of foreign cotton varieties in the Bekabad district
The traditional monthly visit of members of the Tashkent region working group of the Cotton Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the ‘new life’ farm in Bekabad district of Tashkent region took place. The group familiarised themselves with the two-month condition of cotton. The seeds were sown in the field on 5 April this year. The cotton variety Zhuntai A2, brought to the fields from the People's Republic of China, was planted under film on 1,190 hectares.
Specialists positively assessed the phase of cotton development these days. Necessary agro-technical measures are carried out in time and the plot is free from weeds. We also invited Mr Hi Chan, the farm's agronomist, for a talk. In it, the agronomist talked about the work done in the last 1 month. You can watch the interview at this link.
You can see the 3 month status of cotton in this area in the first decade of next month through our social media and resources to be published on this website.