
The scope of Uzbek-Chinese cooperation in cotton growing is expanding

     The first cotton seeds from abroad were brought and planted in Uzbekistan, in particular, 780 tons of hybrid seeds "xinluzao 78" from the company "TIANYE Agro". These seeds are successfully planted in various regions, providing high yields. 

     Recently, Deputy Minister of Agriculture A. Shukurov and Director of the company "TIANYE Agro" B. Makhmudov visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, where they inspected fields sown with Chinese seeds. Here, the cotton yield reaches 80-100 centners per hectare, despite difficult soil conditions, high salinity and problems with water supply. Chinese partners noted that Uzbek lands have excellent conditions for growing cotton and are capable of providing high yields.

     During the visit, the possibilities of cooperation with rice, grain and seed factories, as well as experimental sites of the Chinese company Jinfengyuan, were also discussed.

     The company "TIANYE Agro" plans to establish seed production of Chinese cotton in Uzbekistan and its processing at the local level from next year, which will be an important step towards strengthening the country's agricultural economy.

