
QaA field training and seminar with the participation of Chinese specialists was held in the area where the xinluzao-78 variety planted in the Reserve is being cared for

       In the field of the farm "SHOMATOV ERNAZAR" in the Mirishkor area of the Mirishkor District of the kashkadarya region, a 17gektar field was planted with a gooseberry of the XinLuZao-78 Variety brought from China, on July 22 of this year a field training seminar was held here by the Agro-Services Center of the Kashkadarya region. It was attended by experts led by the Chinese Mr. Yu Jen Biao, district agromaslachatchi, head and members of the kashkadarya region working group of the Cotton Board under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, leaders of industry-related organizations and farm settlements in Mirishkor, Mubarak, Kasbi, Koson, Nishan and Qarshi districts. The participants of the Seminar were given advice and recommendations and shared questions and answers.
