Advantages of seeds brought from China
It is known that at the initiative of the head of state, foreign seed varieties of seeds were brought from this year and planted on 10% of the cotton fields of the Republic.
TIANYE plastic brought 780 tons of Chinese seeds into the Republic and distributed them to a number of provinces.
The nature of the seeds brought from China can be divided into two:
the first is the varieties vaccinated against the disease, that is, when seed seeds are being prepared, they are rinsed against the anthrax;
the second is a new variety in which any drug sprayed against weeds does not affect cotton.
The peculiarity of this is that in cotton fields, weeds overtake the field when the height of the Acorn is 20 cm. Weed control, on the other hand, takes a lot of time and resources.
And the above-mentioned variety will not be damaged when any anti-weed drug is sprayed (even the glyphosate drug). The result is also positive!