
Are cotton reception areas ready to accept cotton

   On September 9-10, the Working Group of the Samarkand region of the Cotton Board under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan studied the state of preparation for the cotton harvesting season of cotton receiving facilities in the districts of Pasdargom, Pakhtachi, Ishtikhan, Narpay, Payarik. 

   The fact that the electronic scales on the sites are integrated into the online platform, the presence of accounting notebooks, the exact "class tochnost" of laboratory equipment is in excellent condition, the readiness of fire engines in the facility, the hiring of workers for bunting cotton, the condition of bunting sites, PL and vehicles, tarpaulins, garb fields, electro wardrobe (candles), lighting projectors, motopompas, water pumps, water tanks, RB, RBX, the presence of air push fans and other equipment and their presence in a smooth State were studied. According to the results of the study, the responsible were given directions and instructions, respectively.

