
Fields sown with foreign seeds are controlled by the head of the council

      A group of experts led by A. Narbaev, head of the working group of the Samarkand Region Cotton Council, inspected fields sown with foreign seed varieties. The study examined conditions in the fields of Ishtikhan, Kattakorgan, Narpai, and Pakhtachin districts, which were left out of the farms' attention. The first destination was Ishtikhon district, the farm of IITC ‘Ishtikhon Nivi’ named after Murad Juraev. Here, the Chinese variety Xinluzhong-55 was planted on 100 hectares. The field where the seed was planted was covered by fire, the crops were not planted along the edge of the field, and the ditches at the edge of the field were not concretised. The Board gave the responsible parties 4 days to correct these situations.

    The next site was Boston IITC ‘Beshturdiev Sherbek Field’ of Kattakurgan district, where Chinese variety Xinlu Zao-78 was planted. The foreign variety was planted on 16 hectares of the farm. The sapling planted here was not visible at all due to fire in the field. Nothing was planted at the edge of the field. Here also the board gave the officials four days.

    The same shortcomings were found in Kattakorgan district, Ogabek Tahir dalasi of Boston MMTP, Narpai district, Ittifok MMTP Chagar Best dalasi where Hinlu Zao-78 varieties were planted on 16 ha (6 ha), Narpai district, Islam. Shairsky IITC Farm ‘Zakir Bobo Field’ (4 ha), Pakhtachi District Shamsi Nazarov IITC Farm ‘Asiyo paftchi abdunazar dalasi’ (4 ha) Pakhtachi District IITC Rozikula Makhmonova (7 ha). The council gave officials 4 days to correct these deficiencies, plant crops along the edge of the field, and concretise the ditches.

    The last destination was the farm ‘Nodirjon Navruzzjon Artykov Field’ MMTZ named after Rozikul Makhmonov in Pakhtachi District. Here, the Chinese variety Xinlu Zao-78 was planted on 7 hectares. The field was evaluated positively, as the planted seeds have fully grown and agro-technical measures are carried out correctly.
