Chinese specialists invited by LLC" 1 Agrobereke " visited the fields of the Navoi region planted by the "XinLuZao-52" cotton variety
As we reported earlier, Chinese specialists of LLC "1-Agrobereke" Mr. Hu and Mr. Jang are conducting monitoring work on cotton fields planted in the Chinese variety throughout the regions of the Republic in bigalik with Agromaslachatchi Begijan Saidaliyev of the Khojaabad District of the Andijan region Agro-Services Center, giving advice to the leaders of clusters and farms. The next area they visited was the Navoi region. Here, a field seminar was organized in Khatirchi and Qiziltepa districts under the leadership of the head of the head of the center of Agro-Services of Navoi region on the fields planted with the variety" Xin Lu Zhong-52".
Experts examined the growth process of the Acorn, gave the necessary advice and answered the questions of those who gathered. In particular, in the regions, the full implementation of pest measures and the abundance of crop elements was positively assessed. At the same time, it was criticized that the chilpish work was not carried out at the time, and the meyori of the number of seedlings was not followed when planting. Experts immediately made chilpish work, arguing that Sojean should be applied.