The importance of the STEM program and the global goal of HECI in agricultural science
On the basis of the gradual introduction of the program” STEM “(Science – Natural Sciences, Technology – technologies, Engineering – technical creativity, Mathematics – Mathematics) in the education system in the near future, the development of new state requirements for the next decade, such as” HECI " (Humanity-humanity, Ethics – ethics, Creativity – creativity, Imagination – imagination) global goal (call) and the development of Boisi believes that humanism, ethics, creativity and imaginative approaches lead to significant changes in the system.
In the next 10 years, the triad of digitization, decarbonization, and reformation became the “ticket” for the future, with large volumes of data, cloud technologies, internet items, and genome technologies growing rapidly. As a result, due to the widespread penetration of digitization and artificial intelligence into the management of networks and industries, humanity is losing its jobs due to many professions, digitized systems. Therefore, it is of particular importance that governments are now creating computer techniques in the education system and jobs that robotic machines cannot perform, and in the near future work on new educational programs aimed at instilling these skills in Citizens. This issue is also relevant directly in the field and science of Agriculture, and the elements of the STEM program and the HECI global goal occupy an important place in the constant research of scientists and researchers in the field.
This was reported by the director of the National Center for knowledge and innovation in agriculture, Sh.Otajonov's scientific article, published in the journal "Science and innovative development", is thought out in detail, which we advise you to read
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